
Oil, Acrylic, Upcycled art , Mixed Media, Canvas, Rave wear, Captain Hat, festival , abstract, contemporary, gouache, conte, Canadian Artist, impasto , fashion, Vancouver, modern, portrait

Not Ditto

Not Ditto


Not Ditto

Have you always wanted a trophy head mounted on your wall , but really didn’t want a real one, then this is the sculpture for you. Mixed media sculpture with found and broken objects applied to a resin ram’s head. It’s called not Ditto because my grandsons also put their artwork in the same show and both of their works were of their dog, Ditto.

Mixed Media, 12 by 12 by 12

Previous shows

BiG Big Pet Portrait show at the Paint Spot gallery , Edmonton, Alberta

Le Hang art Gallery , Vancouver

Niche Gallery , Granville island , Vancouver

West of Main , Roundhouse , Vancouver

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mixed media

My two grandsons and I produced works for this local gallery show. They of their dog ,Ditto, and I of the ram; hence the name, Not Ditto. Another upcycled sculpture. The onl6 purchase was the board used for a base, everything else was gifted or found. I love the whimsy of this piece. Coming from an area where mounted heads are an accepted practise this serves as an alternative , or vegan substitute.

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sold out

Madam Butterfly sold

Ski Bunny IMG_1642.jpeg

Ski Bunny

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They/ Them clay.sculpture

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You hold the Key

Red Bulldog IMG_1706.jpeg

Red Bulldog
